My heat is not working, how do I restart my system?
First, make sure the thermostats are in heat mode and set above room temperature
Next, check the gauge on your oil tank to ensure that you are not out of fuel and check your electrical breaker to make sure it is not turned off.
You should also make sure that the heating system burner switches are in the ON position. The switches are located at the top of the basement stairs or outside of the utility or mechanical room, and on the heating system itself.
Once you've verified that all the switches are on, you can try to reset the furnace or boiler.
To reset your system, locate the red reset button on the heating system itself. The button is located towards the bottom of the system.
Press and hold down the rest button for 5 seconds and then release.
The system should start automatically within 10 seconds.
If your heating unit still does not work, call us at 203.367.7064 we will have a knowledgeable technician solve the problem.
Should I lower my thermostat when I leave the house in the morning?
Yes! If you are going to be away for more than 6 hours you should lower the temperature on your thermostat down to 60 degrees. If you tend to forget to turn the temperature down every day when you leave, you should install programmable thermostats. You can set them to adjust the temperature in your home every day when you leave, and about 30 minutes before you get home and before you wake up in the morning.
Is there an advantage in spending money on a service contract?
Yes! Regular system maintenance is critical to keeping your system working at peak efficiency, which can help you save money on your monthly utility bills, prevent breakdowns, and extend the lifespan of your system.
What is the difference between a boiler and a furnace?
Many homeowners may confuse these two terms, but there is an easy way to remember: a boiler uses hot water (think of boiling water) to heat your home, and a furnace uses warm air, also referred to as forced air.
How should I prepare my home before leaving on vacation during the winter?
Maintaining your heat to a certain level is critical. In order to prevent any problems while you are away, be sure that your heating system is working properly prior to departing and have someone check on your home often during your absence. For those who have seasonally unoccupied homes, a “smart” thermostat can help you keep a closer eye on your home all winter long.
How do I know when it is time to replace my heating equipment?
Although there is no exact age at which equipment should be replaced, experts consider replacement within a 15- to 20- year timeframe. If your equipment has been properly maintained and continues to run efficiently, it could have a longer lifespan.