Understanding and Improving indoor air quality

Did you know that your indoor air quality tends to go down in the winter? Well during winter, we tend to seal up our homes to keep the heat in. But this also means less fresh air is flowing into our homes so the air inside gets a bit stale and will start to acquire common air pollutants. And let’s not forget about the impact on our heating systems! They work by circulating air and over time this recycled air can accumulate dust compromising the air quality.

It should come as no surprise that humidity levels drop significantly in the winter. This dry air in our homes not only can cause discomfort but also worsen respiratory problems. Plus, viruses and bacteria thrive in these environments increasing the risk for infection.

There’s hope to improve IAQ in winter: It might sound strange, but despite the cold, make a habit of opening the windows and doors even for just a few minutes to help ventilate your home. Investing in quality air purifiers and other indoor air quality products is another great way to help eliminate any pollutants or allergens in the air. Also make sure to regularly clean and maintain your heating system to ensure they function efficiently; replace filters, clean ducts, and scheduling annual tune ups will help prevent the circulation of dust and debris in your home.

Our team of comfort specialists and technicians are here to help you maintain optimal indoor air quality this winter.  We offer a variety of indoor air quality products to help make the air you breathe even cleaner. And don’t forget to schedule your annual tune up! Through regular maintenance and inspections, we can identify and address potential issues that could compromise your home’s air quality. Call 203.367.7064 to schedule an appointment today!


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